Stargate HUD 5.X

Thank you for your interest or for buying our product
The Stargate HUD was imagined and created by myself, Vala Avro with the help of Schrodinger Gynoid.
Please nte that some of this content is out-dated

Menu HUD Control
Change Settings, Show lag, Hid or Unhide and reset your HUD by a simple and easy menu. [Click the HUD to make it appear]

HUD Voice
A voice like GLaDos from Portal animates the HUD and gives life to your dials.

1prim DHD
An easy use and multi netwrok dhd inside the HUD.

Lag Meter
Shows the actual lag in the sim in a cute Wifi antenna form.

Click the center of the hud while the stargate is outgoing, you can get the map without being at the gate itself.

Real Stargate Glyphs
The HUD shows the real uses stargate glyph in the dhd or dialed by the gate while outgoing or incoming.

Fast Stargate Network Change
The Hud is only All-in-one, he can easly switch to pegasus and milkyway model.

Configurable Channels
You can set your channel for the Stargate Radio, and Sim radio, its easy by the menu.

Incoming Traveler
Shows teh name of the incoming traveler in the center of the HUD

Wormhole fatalities
Who's being killed by the stargate?

Probe Stargate
Click the white button under the Sim Map preview to probe it.

Sim Encrypted Radio
By default on channel 7, to speak to anyone in the same sim with a compatible device. With your own personnal description when you arrive. 
Now with textbox feature to type secretly your text, just write "textbox" in the channel to open it.

Stargate Radio
Speak trought opened Stargate by the channel 4
Now with textbox feature to type secretly your text, just write "textbox" in the channel to open it.

Gate Controls
Some basics gate control for owner only & users.

Auto Map and RLV Auto Teleport
Teleport youserlf directly with RLV system jsut by walking in the Event horison, or display automaticly the destination map without clicking the EH.

Personnal Teleporter & TP Poofer
An asgard beam wich could teleport you or any detected avatar next to you to the destination you selected.

Stargate Finder
Looking for a stargate in the sim where you are? Active the Stargate Finder and it will automaticly gives you the nearest stargate position for you with all details you should need.

Sim Map Preveiw
Now with each incoming and outgoing the map preview appears to show you what's up there and where's is the stargate (small ring on the map). 

Favorites Stargates
Save your favorites stargate adresse in your HUD to dial them back later.

History of dialed and incoming gates
See what was dialied or what dialed in the 5 last times when you wear near by.

Avatar chat range scanner
A chat range scanner with script count that you can select or avatar name or display name. And it also provides a collision detector.

Fly Helper
Simple usefull tool, that is always usefull in SL, it alows you to fly over 150m.

Stargate Black List 
Will bring you a special warning if you black listed an incoming/outgoing stargate.

Aim Detection 
Who's looking at you in mouselook?

Changeable TP poofer and pads 
You can select different effects for your Personnal Teleporter from the setup menu.

Automatic server syncronisation 
You'll never loose your settings anymore, they will be saved online.

Stargate Database control commands (R4.2 and after) :

Stargate Favorties Commands: 

Favorite gates will give you a quick access page to dial to your gate adresses.


add.favs@Eternal Calm|Milkyway = Add eternal calm region and looks for the milkyway network.
add.favs@Vk Labs|* = Add Vk Labs name and looks for milky or pegasus network.
add.favs@9,33,16,11,17,14|Milkyway = Add the adress 9,33,16,11,17,14 and look at teh milky network.

remove.favs@  will searsh and destroy teh entry.
remove.favs@Eternal Calm

search.favs@ will searsh and dial the result directly without opening the menu.
search.favs@Eternal Calm

Stargate Black List commands:

Black listing a stargate or a region will make your HUD alert you when a gate around you dials or gets an incoming from them.<name/region of the gate>* Land = Adds the sim "Beach Land" in the black list<name/region of the gate>* Land = Removes Beach Land of the black list, if existing. = Displays black list content

Stargate owner filter

This will allow your HUD to ignore all other stargates owned by other users that are not in this list. If the List is empty all Stargates are listened.

add.filer@*<br< a="">>add.filter@10926a54-d899-4d1d-940b-c9bc1e5572a1> = Adds this key to the gate filer

remove.filter@10926a54-d899-4d1d-940b-c9bc1e5572a1 = Removes the key from the filter

list.filter = Displays filter list content

*You can send multiple data at once, seperated by commas ,,etc...
example : Land,Romulans,Weirdo 

2. Personnal TP chat commands

All the commands are used on the channel 3

exemple : /3 tp [command]

tp orbit X = will orbit (teleport you) at the Z position you wrote (/3 tp orbit 2500)
tp camera = will teleports you to your camera position
tp pads = finds the sim avaialble teleporters and display a selection menu to go to one of them
tp ground = teleports you to the ground
tp backup = return to the last known position

3. Dislcaimer

-The textures all comes from screenshots of ASN Stargate and aren't disitrubted, they have particular markers to recognize them.
-You can't ask me for any texture in this HUD, they are private and/or reserved.
-Your viewer should preload all textures of the HUD at the first rez, that's why it could be slow to load.

4. Known issues and bugs


5. How to repport a bug

Send a notecard with the explanation of what you was doing, and what happended with a screenshot if possible & Script error log.


6. Screenshots and Videos

8. Credits

Thanks to Vala Vella for her RLV auto teleport script and thanks to Zachary Carter for his Auto map scirpt.
Thanks to Schrodinger Gynoid for helping me on the creation of the Glyph script. DHD calcs and more.
Thanks to all beta testers.

Quote of the Day

Welcome on our website, I hope you enjoy the design and make sure you check it out on mobile devices as well. Thanks to Andrew for his help!

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  • The Second Life Vk Labs Group
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  • Or directly by IM